

Parking issues? We can help.

  • FREE impound warning signs and free installation. No cost, no hassle.
  • Removal of vehicles within the hour.
  • No charge to you for abandoned vehicles.
  • Custom signs available upon request.
  • In town lot location.
  • Drivers available 24/7.
  • Professional, discreet and quick.
  • Impound and storage fees charged to vehicle owner, not you.

Somebody parking in front of the dumpster? Fire lane? Call us for signs. Someone in the parking lot need a jumpstart? Tire change? Or locked their keys inside their vehicle? We’ll be there ASAP. We have drivers available 24/7 and a dedicated dispatcher. Just call the number on the sign for professional, friendly and quick service. Repaving or striping? We can move vehicles too! Call us if you need some cars moved around the lot so you can complete the job.

Redeeming Your Vehicle

The following regulations and fees are Washington State Law, and we must abide by them at all times. All of the following is required for us to release a vehicle:

  1. The vehicle must be registered to the person seeking to redeem it
  2. The registered or legal owner must be present and have valid picture identification
  3. All towing and storage fees must be paid
  4. The person wishing to redeem the vehicle must be the registered or legal owner according to Department of Licensing records. The vehicle must be registered to the person seeking to redeem the vehicle. If you have purchased the vehicle, but have not yet transferred the registration into your name, you must do so before attempting to redeem the vehicle.
  5. The registered owner and legal owner must present valid picture identification such as a driver’s license, state identification card, passport or other verified identification. The person seeking to redeem the vehicle must have valid picture identification. No one can claim a vehicle without valid identification. If you do not have valid picture identification, you must go to a licensing agent and transfer the registration of the vehicle into the name of someone who does have valid picture identification.

6. All towing and storage fees must be paid before the vehicle can be released from impound. The minimum fees for a Private Property impound entering our yard is $271.65 plus sales tax. Typical fees are:

• Towing fee is $241.65 per hour, per private class “A” rate schedule with the DOL.

• Storage Fee is $60 per day , Calculated to the nearest half day ($30 per half)

• An afterhours release fee of $90 will be charged if vehicle or contents are released after normal business hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday.

* These rates are current as of January 1st 2015 but are subject to change.

Parking Solutions FAQ

How long does it take you to get here?2018-08-06T11:55:22-07:00

After you call us, typically we will be at your location within the hour. If not, the dispatcher will inform you at the time you call. If you have an emergency impound (somebody parked in front of your dumpster, in the fire lane, a handicap spot, in someone’s assigned spot, on the grass, blocking garages, etc.) just let us know and we will have the next available truck to your location ASAP.

What happens if I get a notice to go to court?2018-08-06T11:54:55-07:00

The law requires that we give every customer that redeems a vehicle, a ‘hearing request’ form. If they feel that their vehicle was impounded improperly, they may file the form at the local District Court along with a fee, and receive a court date. A notice will be sent to the person authorizing the impound as well as us. We will accompany you. You must show up at the date and time indicated or the court will find against you. The hearing is very informal; the judge will check to make sure the impound was in compliance with the laws regarding impounds and that the rates charged are in accordance with our filed rates. We suggest that you review and print out the laws and bring them along with proof showing why the vehicle was impounded (pictures are very effective) to the court date. One very important piece of advice from experience – be organized and bring ALL documents.

Do I have to be present when the vehicle is removed?2018-08-06T11:54:31-07:00

Yes. RCW 46.55.080 says that person authorizing the impound must be present at the time and place of the impound to sign an “Authorization to Impound”. Not only is this the law, but it helps protect our drivers, and actually provides a means to solve the problem with the tenant before their car is impounded. You standing there with a tow truck hooking up to their car lets your tenants know that you are serious, and greatly reduces any future parking problems you may have.

Do I have to post a vehicle before it is removed?2018-08-06T11:53:59-07:00

No, you do not have to post a vehicle before having it impounded, as long as the impound will comply with RCW 46.55.070. However, we do provide you with free ‘parking tickets’ that you may post on vehicles at your discretion, to warn those people who may be only 1st time offenders. These tickets are 2 parts, giving you a copy for your records, and affix to the windshield of the vehicle, warning the owner that their vehicle is subject to being towed. We have found that these are very effective with responsible tenants who may have simply made a mistake. Again, you do not have to do this, it is only at your discretion if you want to warn the tenant or not.

What happens when I call you for an impound?2018-08-06T11:46:40-07:00

When you call us for an impound we will check the towing contract that we have on file for you, and ensure that the person calling is indeed empowered to authorize an impound. Then we will coordinate a meeting place with you, at your office or the vehicle you need impounded, to have the ‘Authorization to Impound’ signed. A driver will be dispatched, and will typically arrive within the hour unless you request a different time or need an emergency impound, in that case we will be there immediately

How long do I have to wait before I can have a vehicle removed?2018-08-06T11:45:54-07:00

RCW 46.55.070 covers posting requirements and the times frames associated with different types of properties and situations. If you have our towing signs posted, or have property that is residential, you may tow immediately. If you do not have our towing signs posted, and the property is non-residential (apartments 4 units or more are considered non-residential) you must wait 24 hours before towing the vehicle.

What are the laws regarding impounding a vehicle?2018-08-06T11:43:55-07:00

Any property owner or person authorized in writing by the property owner or manager may impound an unauthorized vehicle. RCW 46.55.010 gives the definition of an unauthorized vehicle along with a chart of the time periods required before impounding. RCW 46.55.070 covers posting requirements for different types of properties. If you have your towing signs posted, or have property that is residential, you may tow immediately. If you do not have our towing signs posted, and the property is non-residential (apartments 4 units or more are considered non-residential) you must wait 24 hours before towing the vehicle. RCW 46.55.063 says that we must have a written towing contract with you before we can impound from your property. This written contract also acts as your list of persons you empower to authorize impounds. RCW 46.55.080 says that person authorizing the impound must be present at the time and place of the impound to sign an “Authorization to Impound”. If you need more information, please contact us, or you can check out RCW 46.55 and WAC 308-61 for the text of the law.

How much does it cost to have a vehicle removed from my property?2018-08-06T10:56:16-07:00

We only charge the owner of the vehicle being impounded; not property management/owners.

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